Occultation Calendar |
Date |
Asteroid/Object/Event |
Source |
Remarks |
Link_1 |
Link_2 |
2020 |
28.02.2020 |
02:16 |
(488) Kreusa |
OccultWatcher |
40%, 13.3 mag |
28.02.2020 |
19:52 |
(176) Iduna |
OccultWatcher |
86%, 12.5 mag |
06.03.2020 |
01:19 |
(366) Vincentina |
OccultWatcher |
58%, 13.6 mag |
06.03.2020 |
22:41 |
(387) Aquitania |
OccultWatcher |
62%, 12.8 mag |
10.03.2020 |
21:56 |
(1259) Ogyalla |
OccultWatcher |
29%, 13.0 mag |
11.03.2020 |
02:04 |
(1096) Reunerta |
OccultWatcher |
68%, 12.4 mag |
11.03.2020 |
03:22 |
2002KX14 (TNO) |
Lucky Star |
27.6%, 16.4 mag |
http://lesia.obspm.fr/lucky-star/occobs.php?p=17761&lon=8.57065&lat=47.51956 |
13.3.-15.3.2020 |
12. Deep Sky Meeting (DSM) auf der Schwäbischen
Alb und 40. Frühjahrsseminar des Arbeitskreises Meteore e.V. |
https://sag-sas.ch/event/12-dsm-deep-sky-meeting/ |
14.03.2020 |
44. Würzburger Frühjahrstagung 2020 |
https://www.vds-astro.de/index.php?id=74&tx_ttnews%5Byear%5D=2020&tx_ttnews%5Bmonth%5D=02&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=593&cHash=53f1fd93bf4d4be3f5a76784d87981da |
15.03.2020 |
02:01 |
Mentor (TNO) |
Lucky Star |
26.3%, 14.7 mag |
http://lesia.obspm.fr/lucky-star/occobs.php?p=17761&lon=8.57065&lat=47.51956 |
18.03.2020 |
19:28 |
(304) Olga |
OccultWatcher |
28%, 12.5 mag |
20.03.2020 |
Frühlingsanfang |
20.03.2020 |
Mars bei Jupiter |
22.03.2020 |
03:06 |
Priamus (TNO) |
Lucky Star |
38.1%, 15.0 mag |
http://lesia.obspm.fr/lucky-star/occobs.php?p=17761&lon=8.57065&lat=47.51956 |
23.03.2020 |
Nice Mars/Pluto Conjunction (no occultation),
0.7° |
See Agenda |
http://www.occultations.ch/agenda.html |
25.03.2020 |
04:26 |
(1031) Arctica |
OccultWatcher |
41%, 14.4 mag |
28.03.2020 |
Astronomietag 2020 |
http://www.astronomietag.de |
28.03.2020 |
02:36 |
Priamus (TNO) |
Lucky Star |
50.6%, 16.3 mag |
http://lesia.obspm.fr/lucky-star/occobs.php?p=17761&lon=8.57065&lat=47.51956 |
29.03.2020 |
Beginn der Sommerzeit |
31.03.2020 |
Mars bei Saturn |
04.04.2020 |
SAG DV und Astrotagung in Brugg |
incl. Presentations of SOTAS group |
https://sag-sas.ch/event/sag-sas-astronomietagung-dv-2020/ |
12.04.2020 |
02:03 |
2002KX14 (TNO) |
Lucky Star |
47.1%, 18.0 mag |
http://lesia.obspm.fr/lucky-star/occobs.php?p=17761&lon=8.57065&lat=47.51956 |
21.04.2020 |
Lyriden-Meteorschauer |
06.05.2020 |
Eta-Aquariiden-Sternschnuppennacht |
22.05.2020 |
Merkur bei Venus |
26.05.2020 |
2002KX14 |
Lucky Star Presentation |
19.06.2020 |
Venusbedeckung durch den Mond am Taghimmel |
ca. 9:54 bis 10:46 LT |
21.06.2020 |
Ringförmige SoFi: Oman, China |
22.06.2020 |
Pallas |
Oliver Klös Presentation |
31.07.2020 |
Interkosmos |
ESOP Occ. calendar slide |
08.08.2020 |
20:44 |
2002MS4 (TNO!) |
e-mail Bruno Sicardy, 5.2.20 |
D> 900km |
https://lesia.obspm.fr/lucky-star/occ.php?p=20661 |
09.08.2020 |
Linus |
Oliver Klös Presentation |
with Satellites |
12./13.08.2020 |
Perseiden |
28.08.2020 |
Ate |
Oliver Klös Presentation |
28.8.-1.9.2020 |
39th ESOP in Freiburg (D), ev. excursions to
Switzerland |
http://esop39.iota-es.de/ |
30.09.2020 |
Pallas |
Oliver Klös Presentation |
13.10.2020 |
Günstige Marsopposition |
21.10.2020 |
Elektra |
Oliver Klös Presentation |
with Satellites |
17.11.2020 |
Leoniden |
24.11.2020 |
S2003-283-1 |
Oliver Klös Presentation |
with Satellites |
13./14.12.2020 |
Geminiden |
14.12.2020 |
Totale SoFi, Chile, Argentinien |
21.12.2020 |
Enge Jupiter/Saturn Konjunktion, 6.1° |
See Agenda |
http://www.occultations.ch/agenda.html |
29.12.2020 |
Bienor |
Lucky Star Presentation |
Later: |
2021 |
Path close to the Earth of 99942 Apophis |
2021 Jan-Nov |
Phemu Jupiter Campaign Jean-Eudes Arlot IMCCE
(incl. Amaltée Thebe) |
2022 |
Triton |
2022 Sep 25 |
Occultation with Echeclus (Trojan) |
2025 |
PheSat Jean-Eudes Arlot IMCCE |
Sources: |
http://call4obs.iota-es.de/ |
Oliver Klös |
http://asteroidoccultation.com/ |
Steve Preston |
http://www.poyntsource.com/New/Global.htm |
Poyntsource |
http://www.poyntsource.com/New/Future.htm |
Poyntsource |
http://lesia.obspm.fr/lucky-star/predictions.php |
Lucky Star |
https://www.vds-astro.de/index.php?id=82 |
VdS Termine |
Lucky Star
Eingabemaske: |
Longitude: |
Latitude: |
für Sternwarte
Bülach (BUE/MPC 167): |
8.57065 |
47.51956 |
für Sternwarte
Schafmatt (SCH/MPC B77): |
7.950819 |
47.42024 |
Filenames: |
agenda_occultation_calendar.html |
Version |
Occultation_Calendar.xlsx |
Version |
Last modified:
20.02.20 |